VIRTUAL Birmingham City Council Meeting 02.16.2021

The Birmingham City Council meet every Tuesday (excluding holidays) at 9:30 a.m. on the 3rd floor of Birmingham City Hall located at 710 North 20th St. in the council chambers. (COVID-19 may impact these dates, times, and locations)

VIRTUAL Joint Education and Special Called Committee of the Whole, 02.15.2021

Meeting Day & Time: 3rd Monday of each month at 12:00 p.m. – Birmingham City Hall – Conference Room A Councilor Darrell O’Quinn (Committee Chair) MEMBERSCouncilor Steven W. HoytCouncilor Clinton P. Woods The Education component makes recommendations for appointments to the Library Board, Citizen Participation Election Contest Committee, Jefferson County Department of Human Resources Board, Educational Building Authority, … Read more

CANCELLED: Joint Transportation and Special Called Committee of the Whole Meeting, 02.10.2021

The Transportation Committee recommends on matters pertaining to transportation, generally; airport and aviation; traffic engineering; parking facilities, and the Birmingham Transit Authority. Requests for items to be placed on the agenda should be made to the Committee Chairperson. Taxis and Jitney services are brought before the Transportation and Communication Committee for approval and items that are … Read more

VIRTUAL Joint Special Called Transportation and Committee of the Whole Meeting, 02.04.2021

The Transportation Committee recommends on matters pertaining to transportation, generally; airport and aviation; traffic engineering; parking facilities, and the Birmingham Transit Authority. Requests for items to be placed on the agenda should be made to the Committee Chairperson. Taxis and Jitney services are brought before the Transportation and Communication Committee for approval and items that are … Read more